A Coastal-Ecology Module in Four Lesson Plans (see links in the menu, above)
Saltmarsh, oyster reef and seagrass serve as important fish habitats in estuaries along the North Carolina coast and have experienced a sharp decline in areal extent, principally due to human impacts. The goal of this project is to enhance public education of the function and conservation of these habitats through interactive, multimedia educational materials and lesson plans for grades 6-12.
The coastal-fish-habitat module is in four parts, but can be shortened. Part 1 focuses on assessing fish-habitat value and serves as an introduction to saltmarsh, oyster reef and seagrass habitats. This lesson plan should be presented to the class before any of the other lesson plans. Part 1 can also be used as a stand-alone exercise and can be completed during one class period. Part 2 focuses on Oyster reef restoration, Part 3 examines saltmarsh and sandflat structure and habitat biodiversity and Part 4 is on the topic of seagrass structure and habitat biodiversity. Parts 2-4 are also stand-alone exercises in that they do not build on information presented sequentially; however, each of those lesson plans need to be presented after Part 1.
This module was made possible by a grant from the NC Division of Marine Fisheries-Coastal Recreational Fishing License Grants Program to the UNC Institute of Marine Sciences