Part II: Reef Restoration

This lesson is designed to follow the “Assessing fish-habitat value” lesson where the students were introduced to the oyster-reef habitat. Here, students will be presented with data collected from a patch reef and a fringing reef located in Middle Marsh, North Carolina. They will synthesize various aspects of those data and rank the importance of each factor. Using their rankings, students will choose which type of reef is more valuable for fish and will write a proposal for a reef-restoration project.  The movie and links to all of the necessary materials are below.  Start off by reading through the lesson plan.

Lesson plan: Reef Restoration Lesson Plan

Study area map:


Data set and supporting materials:

Oyster Data V1  Oyster Data V2  Oyster Data V3

Oyster Data Worksheet V1  Oyster Data Worksheet V2  Oyster Data Worksheet V3

Oyster Data Worksheet TEACHER SAMPLE

CHPP_Shell Bottom

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